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Society for Phenomenology and Media

22nd Annual International Conference


Friday, May 29 to Sunday, May 31, 2020


C O N F E R E N C E   P R O G R A M






Host, Welcome and Introductions

SPM President, Introduction of Officers



Panel #1 Social Justice and Idealism

Moderator: Alberto J. L. Carrillo


1. Gerardo De La Fuente

Madness: The phenomenological analysis of commodification


2. Paul Majkut

Immediate Realism



Panel #2: Virtual, Visual, and Artificial

Moderator: Melinda Campbell


 1.  Thomas Arnold

Are Virtual Worlds Really Worlds?


2.  Stacey Irwin

Visual Perception in a Digital World



Panel #3: Nostalgia, Art, Embodiment

Moderator: Nicola Liberati


1. Melinda Campbell

Knowing through the Body: Understanding the World from the Perspective of the Embodied Mind


2. Cynthia Villagomez

Communication and messages in Mexican Electronic Art


3.  Martha Erika, Mateos Genis, Luis Daniel Herrera Romero, and Uriel Hidalgo Lerma

The narrative of animation in vertical format



Panel #4 Social Networks

Moderator: Stacey Irwin


1.  Olya Kudina

The Everlasting You: The Postphenomenological Analysis of Memory making in the Age of Social Networks


2. Alberto J. L. Carrillo Canán and Marleni Reyes Monreal

Mental Maps and Web Content


3. Jacques Ibanez Bueno and Luis Felipe Ramirez Alvarado

Phenomenological perspectives on the communication modalities of 360 video.



Panel #5 Fashion and Play

Moderator: Luis Acebal


1. Remy Demichelis

Can we learn anything from brain simulation?  A case against strong AI


2.Alejandra De Las Mercedes Fernandez Robert

The fascination for dolls: a paradox between the hyper-real and foreign objects


3. Lincoln Theo

Estonia’s first ‘Queer’ Literary Character? Phenomenological Liminality as Foundation for Dramatic Irony in Vilde’s Milkman of the Manor



Panel #6 Ads, News, and Media-Based Discussion

Moderator: Paul Majkut


1. Nokta Celik

From artwork to ad: Reflections from the social media ads of Art Basel ​


2. Duygu Onay-Coker

Problematizing Motherhood in TV: Baby Diapers Advertisements


3. Michaela Ott

Dividual subjectivation in the world society




9:00 – 10:00

Panel #7 Control and Absurdity

Moderator: Gerardo De La Fuente


1.Tirtha Prasad Mukhopadhyay

Media Pseudologies: The Imperatives of Acquisition and Control in Information Society


3. Junichiro Inutsuka

Photo-Graphing as Trajection to raise the question of disclosure


3. Justin Batten and German Duarte

Elucidating the Foundation of Science Fiction  by Tracing the Presence of TechnÄ“ in Black Mirror


4. Luis Acebal

Facing the Absurd:  The Joker as Modern Day Sisyphus

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